Food Inc

8 10 2011

Life has kind of gotten in the way today.

In an attempt to keep up with my scheduled posting,I will ask that you please take time to watch Food Inc ,if you haven’t  already.

It is an amazing documentary that provides insight into the country’s food industry.

It is  available on Netflix and a host of other websites.

Here is the trailer.

Name something you’d like a lifetime supply of.

6 10 2011

Right now,I would like a lifetime supply of croissants from the local farmer’s market, right down the road from my house.

They are soooooooooooooooo good.I  can’t seem to get enough of them.Apparently they are a staple for many people as well.Whenever I run by the market to get them,there’s usually only a few packets left on the shelf.Some time last week,I picked up the last pack sitting on the shelf.That’s how quickly they run out.

I have no idea how they are made or what the ingredients are.All I care about is the yummy goodness.I don’t even need  butter or cream cheese,they are tasty just the way they are.Writing about them makes my mouth watery.The last stash of 3 packets I got on Monday is already gone.

Mmmh,I’m going grocery shopping so maybe I might stock up.

Damn!!Those croissants are AMAZING!!

Can someone say nom nom 🙂